Re: License terms for redistribution of individual components

From: Wiedmann, Jochen <>
Date: Mon, 03 Mar 2003 04:48:13 +0100

> Since you are implementing JAXB what you claim in the implementation
> regarding JAXB depends on a separate license from Sun. I can
> put you in
> contact with the right person if you would like.

Please do.

> Further discussion on a
> license of this type would not be appropriate for this list.

I must admit that I do not understand why?

> We will be updating what parts of the RI you must re-distribute
> shortly. However, at a minimum it will require that you also
> redistribute the jaxb-ri.jar and jaxb-libs.jar a separate licencse can
> be worked out with SUN but the standard license will require the
> redistribution of the entire runtime.

Again, I do not understand the hazzle. Do Apache, Saxon or whatever
have a separate license for distributing xml-apis.jar, which I
consider comparable?

