Re: License terms for redistribution of individual components

From: Thomas John Kincaid <>
Date: Sun, 02 Mar 2003 23:01:39 -0500

Wiedmann, Jochen wrote:

>>Since you are implementing JAXB what you claim in the implementation
>>regarding JAXB depends on a separate license from Sun. I can
>>put you in
>>contact with the right person if you would like.
>Please do.
OK, somebody will contact you this week.

>>Further discussion on a
>>license of this type would not be appropriate for this list.
>I must admit that I do not understand why?
Well, I am not a lawyer but hopefully I can provide a bit of an
explanation for you.

The idea that these license are based on the theory that if somebody
else makes use of a SUN JSR that was bundled with your product they can
expect it to work the same way that implementation they downloaded from
Sun does. For people who are doing independent implementations of the
JSR they don't have this requirement. However, they do have to pass the
TCK to claim the JSR in their product.

The person I have contact you can explain the details.

