Re: License terms for redistribution of individual components

From: Wiedmann, Jochen <>
Date: Sun, 02 Mar 2003 16:03:45 +0100

> If we really have to redistribute all the jar files, I'm
> afraid we have
> to look for alternatives like JDOM as there are no other JAXB
> implementations AFAIK. I can't justify the footprint of the current
> organization of the Web Services, I consulted other teams in
> our company
> and they are facing the same problems with technologies like JAX-RPC.

I would like to note that an alternative implementation would
share the same problem: Any JAXB implementation needs at least
the interface classes like Marshaller, Unmarshaller, ...
the accessor classes (JAXBContext), the exception classes, and
so on. AFAIK (I am no lawyer) the license forces me to bundle all
the other jar's even for an alternative distribution.

I also would like to ask the following question again. I've got
an answer for the beta version, but I think the items in my list
below would make sense for any distribution.



============================ Earlier posting ================


as some of you might know, I am working on an open source
implementation of JAXB. (See
A question that concerns me is whether and how it is
allowed to distribute parts of JAXB as part of the
JaxMe distribution. The files in question are:

  - the Jar files jaxb-api.jar and jax-qname.jar
  - the source file jaxb-api-src.jar
  - the specification
  - the specification jaxb-0_90-pfd-spec.pdf
  - the examples
  - the user guide

Also, if that matters, whether it is allowed to add
these to a CVS repository, which is available to the

Also, if it is allowed to use these files for a
derived work. In particular, it would be nice to
offer a Javadoc, which includes the JAXB Javadoc.

