Re: JAXB Basics xjc inheritance plugin usage

From: Aleksei Valikov <>
Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2011 08:34:04 +0100


> I would like to use the JAXB 2 basics xjc inheritance plugin to specify
> that various generated classes implement specified interfaces. Can it
> be used from bindings or is it necessary to add the
> inheritance:implements tags directly into the schema. I don't want to
> have to change the schemas as this would be a maintenance headache so a
> bindings approach would be preferable.
> Also, where can I find the schemas associated with this plugin - I
> notice that does
> not exist.

Your mail seems to be tripled somehow.

> Are there any plans to add this plugin into the JAXB2 RI?

No. I thinks it's quite ok standalone. There's too many dependencies
to put it in RI.
