Re: JAXB2 basics inheritance xjc plugin

From: Aleksei Valikov <>
Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2011 08:31:44 +0100


> I have a question about the JAXB2 Basics inheritance xjc plugin...
> From the documenation, it seems that the only place you can put the
> <inheritance:implements>Interface</inheritance:implements>
> definition(s) is in annotation tags in the actual schema you're
> compiling.
> Is there any way to place these implements tags in external bindings,
> if you're not able to change the schema files?

Yes, just use the normal binding file mechanism. I don't have an
example for the inheritance plugin at the moment, I've attached an
example for the annotate plugin, the analogy must be straightforward.

> Also, where can I find the plugin schema to provide the
> inheritance:implements tag definitions. I notice that
> doesn't seem to
> exist.

There's no schema. It's just two elements "implements" and "extends",
values must be FQ class names.
