xsd sequence

From: Amit G Soni <>
Date: Fri, 18 Jul 2008 16:35:25 +0530

Hi List,


I am using JAXB-1.0.5 for Marshaling and Unmarshaling.


Currently I am having problem with the sequence of elements within the
element of XSD. Please consider following scenario.


The XSD contains the complex element as


<xsd:complexType name="MyObject">


<xsd:element name="A" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0"

<xsd:element name="B" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0"

<xsd:element name="C" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0"

` </xsd:sequence>



But the xml which I am getting in which the order of Element A or B or C
(under complexType MyObject) is not in given sequence of XSD. It is
coming in any sequence




            <C>Element </C>

<A>Element </A>

<B>Element </B>





            <B>Element </B>

<C>Element </C>

<A>Element </A>



and because of this at the time of unmarshall I am getting parsing
error. Can any one has any idea how can I resolve this problem.



Amit Soni