Antwort: Need example (pom.xml) of how to use JAXB with maven plugins (nothing works as documented)

From: <>
Date: Wed, 10 Dec 2008 08:20:14 +0100


here you have some example pom.xml, we use Archiva as repository server.
So the magic about the repositories is in the archiva configuration,
there you have to define all the internet repos, like and and so on.

But for test purposes, you can change this and configure the repositories
in pom.xml, or even use settings.xml.
In my settings.xml I defined a "online" profile, where all internet repos
are registered. Just call "mvn clean install -Ponline" (internet
connection/proxy needs to be setup)

Further, we have defined our environment in a "parent.pom.xml", and all
the modules (child.pom.xml) share this same parent.pom.xml:

Hope this helps,


P.S.: I´ve had also problems in automatically downloading the jaxb-plugin
from or - but you can "copy" the jars and
pom.xml from there manually into your repo...