Need example (pom.xml) of how to use JAXB with maven plugins (nothing works as documented)

From: Cheap Lisa <>
Date: Tue, 9 Dec 2008 11:14:19 -0700

Can anyone send me (or post) or point to me a document that will show me how
generate an XSD from XML and from there Java objects using JAXB maven

better yet, simply a pom.xml configured that works.

A POM that
 1. has a working repo configured with the latest jaxb-api
 2. has a working plugin repo for the latest maven plugins
 3. has targets such that all I have to do is "mvn compile install"
      and my xml files will get an xsd generated and then the java objects
into the package of my choice (under target/)

--- More Info - Please read:

I have an XML file and want to use Jaxb to generate an XSD and then the java
for use in my project.

I am using maven so also want to use the maven plugin.

I google on how to do this, come across a Maven xjc plugin but that page is
documented on how to configure a pom.xml or how to use it so I hit a dead
this page is not documented:
I keep searching and come across this page:
 and cut and paste, but the information seems out of date there as well.
When I follow the instructions here I get:
org.apache.maven.lifecycle.LifecycleExecutionException: The plugin
axb-plugin' does not exist or no valid version could be found
Another document points me to this repo:
 but there are only JaxB 1.x jars there.
With so many hits in the search engine, all I find are docs that indicate
this (xml to xsd to java objects) is possible with JaxB plugins, but
provide no examples and the examples that I do find simply do not work
of out of date links or very old libraries still there in the maven repo's.
The last link led me to this mailing list (there are no instructions to
subscribe like usual
but I was able to do this).
Does anyone have a document that will show what I need to do:
 1.  Generate an XSD from XML (a maven target)
2 Generate Java objects from the XSD (a maven target)
 Included what I need is a configured pom.xml that will point to a plugin
where I can get the latest plugins
 and also a repo where I can get the latest JaXB api's (.jars)
 I have already spent eight hours following instructions on the various
that have popped up as a result of a google search and when I run maven
breaks.  Many repo's and other things have changed but the document is still
I would appreciate some help.  What I want to do is typical and simple but
it seems
extremely difficult to find instructions.  I realize that the code is open
source but
it would take 720 hours to go through all the source code and experiment
with different
things to make it work.
Are there up to date instructions anywhere or can someone simply send me
their pom.xml file
(simple) with instructions on which targets to type (like xjc:xjc - if
Lisa Santos