UnMarshall time Validation and ValidationEventLocator

From: Sriram Thyagarajan <>
Date: Wed, 02 Apr 2003 16:12:27 -0500

I am trying to use the ValidationEventCollector to retrieve the
errors/warning encountered during unmarshalling. I am able to get
error/warning messages, but not the element name which has the error.

My code has the following


      //Set the validation to true

After unmarshalling, when I loop through the ValidationEventCollector to
obtain the message and the element as follows...

    //Loop through all the errors and get the messages
    for (int loop = 0; loop < validationEventsArray.length; loop++) {
      ValidationEvent validationEvent = validationEventsArray[loop];
      ValidationEventLocator validationEventLocator
          = validationEvent.getLocator();
      Node node = validationEventLocator.getNode(); url = validationEventLocator.getURL();
      int columnNumber = validationEventLocator.getColumnNumber();
      int lineNumber = validationEventLocator.getLineNumber();

      String message = validationEvent.getMessage();

I am able to get the message from validationEvent... But I don't get the
element name that caused has the error from ValdationEventLocator...

Since I was unmarshalling I tried using getNode, getURL... both return null.
LineNumber and columnNumber are set though.

for example If I have the following data


I get the message ""A200" does not satisfy the "decimal" type". I am trying
to identify to get "lossAmount"

Am I doing something wrong here ? How can I get the element name ?
