Re: field order in implementation classes

From: Damon Fensterman <>
Date: Thu, 17 Apr 2003 09:15:55 -0600

On Thu, 17 Apr 2003 07:36:38 -0700, Kohsuke Kawaguchi <Kohsuke.Kawaguchi_at_Sun.COM> wrote:

>> This is affecting my code because I have a method that reflects the
>> implementation class in order to create an error report for the user.
>Is there any chance you can reorder things when you use reflection?
>Perhaps into alphabetical order or something?

I was considering something like that ... I just wanted to know if there was ANY order I could count on. Sounds like not, so I should reorder them myself after reflection. Thanks for your response. This wouldn't be so hard if I was doing it for one schema, but I'm writing a util that should work for any schema.

>Since we process a schema little by little in multiple stages, I'm not
>sure if it's possible to preserve such orders.
>Kohsuke KAWAGUCHI 408-276-7063 (x17063)
>Sun Microsystems