Re: Compilation failed on win xp OS ...

From: Thierry DÉJEAN <>
Date: Fri, 19 Mar 2010 11:08:27 +0100

Great !

I will try it as soon as it will be available

thanks a lot


Le vendredi 19 mars 2010 10:59:27, Aleksei Valikov a écrit :
> Hi Thierry,
> > I'm trying to use your plugin maven plugin "maven-jaxb2-plugin" (version
> > 0.7.2) with episode and catalogResolver feature. I have run your sample
> > "" that works quite well (both
> > on linux and win OS). Then i've tried to use a more complex organisation
> > of my wsdl files. After some empirical tries i have finally succeded to
> > compile my complex sample (joined as zip archive) ... but only on linux
> > OS. Indeed The compilation failed on Windows OS and i don't know what. do
> > I use your plugin correctly ? did i find a bud ? I don't know. So I hope
> > you could help me to understend what is wrong. Thanks
> Yes, you seem to have found a bug. Not in the maven-jaxb2-plugin,
> however - it seems that there's a problem between XJC and the catalog
> resolver.
> I've introduced a workaround in the current 0.7.3-SNAPSHOT version of
> the maven-jaxb2-plugin and could compile your schemas without
> problems.
> The 0.7.3 version will be available in a few hours from the
> Maven 2 repo.
> Bye.
> /lexi
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Thierry DÉJEAN
- Petals Link (former eBM Websourcing) -
4 rue Amélie 
31000 Toulouse - FRANCE
phone : + 33 (0)5 62 73 43 97
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