R: Changing JAXB version

From: EBAStep2 <>
Date: Wed, 28 May 2003 10:35:26 +0200

Sorry, I've missed some information in my previous message.I did everything
you wrote except the installation of the other "jar" files of jwsdp-1.1 . Do
I need to upgrade something even if I don't use (e.g jaxm,jaxr...) ?

-----Messaggio originale-----
Da: Laura Ferguson []
Inviato: marted? 27 maggio 2003 19.45
Oggetto: Re: Changing JAXB version

At 07:34 PM 5/27/2003 +0200, you wrote:
>I've changed my JAXB version from beta to 1.0 simply changing "jar" files
>with the new ones (jwsdp-1.1), but now my marshal doesn't work anymore with
>this exception :

You've got lots more work to do.
1) Create a schema from your dtd.
2) Regenerate the generated classes using the revised xjc
3) See what changes these changes cause in the rest of your code -- there
will be some.

Along the way, you'll need to do a careful installation of jwsdp-1.1, copy
new libraries into any lib folders, etc....
This could take just a few hours or a week... depending.
Good luck...

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