Re: SAXParseException: Why?

From: Irv Thomae <>
Date: Wed, 30 Apr 2003 17:01:23 -0400

Kohsuke Kawaguchi wrote:

>>The message itself is clear enough, but if JAXB doesn't use dtd files,
>>why is failure to find one treated as a fatal error?
>Because that's what XML 1.0 says. It is a bug if we just let it go.
>First of all, I think you should think about fixing your old in-house
>application. If it sends out XML with a DOCTYPE declaration that doesn't
>resolve, then the XML produced from your in-house application is not a
>well-formed document. To me, fixing that is the right fix.
I agree, and negotiations with the author were successful. <g>

We're now fully converted, and happy with the results. Tolerating non
well-formed documents would have been interesting, but this way our
runtime client needs only the "minimalist" set of JAXB jar's.

Irv Thomae
ISTS/Dartmouth College
Hanover, NH