Re: Writing an XJC plugin to stabilize generated Java code

From: Malachi de Ælfweald <>
Date: Sun, 22 Mar 2009 16:24:11 -0700

Personally, my expectation would be that the order matched the order listed
in the schema.


On Sun, Mar 22, 2009 at 2:33 PM, David Easley <> wrote:

> Hi,
> Can anyone give me any pointers on how to write an XJC plugin to do the
> following:
> XJC outputs certain code lines in a random order from one build to the next
> (see examples below). I want the code to be generated the same each time (as
> long as the source schema hasn't changed) because the randomness leads to a
> lot of noise in my version control history. (I'm storing the generated Java
> files under SCM because (i) it's a useful way to see what impact schema
> changes have had on the generated Java code, and (ii) some of our generated
> classes contain 'simple-preserve' blocks).
> All the example plugins I've looked at generate additional code to the
> output file. What I want to do is alter the way the standard code is output
> (by sorting the collections).
> Here are some examples showing where the randomness crops up:
> (1) @XmlElement lines are output in a random order:
> @XmlElements({
> @XmlElement(name = "timeCriterion", type =
> TimeCriterionDto.class),
> @XmlElement(name = "dateCriterion", type =
> DateCriterionDto.class),
> @XmlElement(name = "stringCriterion", type =
> StringCriterionDto.class),
> @XmlElement(name = "decimalCriterion", type =
> DecimalCriterionDto.class),
> @XmlElement(name = "integerCriterion", type =
> IntegerCriterionDto.class)
> })
> (2) @link lines in comments are output in a random order:
> /**
> ....
> * Objects of the following type(s) are allowed in the list
> * {_at_link TimeCriterionDto }
> * {_at_link DateCriterionDto }
> * {_at_link StringCriterionDto }
> * {_at_link DecimalCriterionDto }
> * {_at_link IntegerCriterionDto }
> ....
> */
> Note: I've raised an issue on this randomness (which I'm guessing is due to
> the use of Sets, in which case the fix may be as simple as switching from
> (e.g.) HashSet to LinkedHashSet):
> But I'm guessing this won't be seen as a priority, hence my need of a
> plugin.
> Or, if I was to fix this in core XJC and submit a patch, how soon do you
> think the patch might be accepted and merged into trunk (I wouldn't want to
> stay on a custom fork for too long)?
> David