Re: Maven2 plugin

From: William Simons <>
Date: Wed, 30 May 2007 15:22:12 -0400

Thanks Lexi,

I tried that plugin out and ran into a small problem. I was unable to
configure it to exclude certain schemas from my build using the
schemasExcludes configuration property. I couldnšt figure out how that
element needed to be formed. In the other plugin, it is called
excludeSchemas and contains a list of excludeSchema elements.
Unfortunately, the same strategy did not work for the maven-jaxb2-plugin. I
see that youšre one of the authors of the maven-jaxb2-plugin... Could you
guide me here?

Also, it looks like neither plugin is using the new 2.1 API or impl.


On 5/30/07 12:17 PM, "Aleksei Valikov" <> wrote:

> Hi.
>> I'm reworking some of my Maven build right now and I want to make sure that
>> I'm using the "industry standard" Maven2 JAXB2 plugin. Which, if any,
>> plugin is the official JAXB2 plugin that people are using?
>> Until now, I've been using but
>> it seems like lots of people are using
>> Does the JAXB2 team have a
>> preference? Is one more current than the other?
>> Thanks for your advice.
> I guess maven-jaxb2-plugin is more up-to-date.
> It is being actively developed/supported.
> Bye.
> /lexi