hasEnum & Class.forName in CodeModel

From: <>
Date: Tue, 21 Nov 2006 13:04:32 +0100


Is there any Method to check whether a JType (object of type
JClass/JDefinedClass) has an enum or not, an to get the constants of the
And are there any tricks to create a JClass from String expression? Just
something similar to Class.forName. I've searched the API, but didn't
find one.
I'm trying to initialize an Object referred by the EnumConstant.

For Ex:
Class A is abstract, and has subclass of class B & C

So class A Definition looks like this.
Class A
        enum Type{

And there is a class which has a field of type A.

Class Root
        A aField;

I want to add a method to initialize this aField with the expected

So it should look like this

Void addA( A.Type type)
        String typeStr = type.getString();
        Class clazz = Class.forName(typeStr);
        aField = new clazz();

Is there any way to accomplish this???

Best Regards,