XJC error message

From: <>
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2006 10:41:40 +0100


I have extending FieldRendererFactory, GenericFieldRenderer.

When I run my build file on ant,

It showed runtime-error message

java.lang.IllegalAccessError: Class myplugin.MyGenericFieldRenderer can
not access a member of class with modifiers

After that I tried to extend the class SingleClass.
Here I added the enum of Messages hard-coded into this class.

And still while parsing xml schema
I got an error message

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: trying to create the same field
twice: addressUnit

But I have no idea why this happens, while I don't even get the line
number where this error caused.
This schema work fine when I don't override those XJC classes.

Any idea?
Or can we show the line number causing the error using ant?

Best regards,