Re: maven-jaxb2-plugin and java 1.6

From: Aleksei Valikov <>
Date: Fri, 24 Aug 2007 08:12:14 +0200


> i fought with the same issue, but couldn't find a way to do it with just the
> pom. the problem seems deeper, since jaxb 2.0 was internalized and the
> plugin now wants jaxb 2.1, the only way to replace jaxb 2.0 is using the
> endorsed mechanism. the classpath formed from pom information just can't
> beat the jdk itself.

I'll ry to rework the classloader in maven-jaxb2-plugin. I mean this:

3. Implement a custom ClassLoader and block delegation to
javax.xml.bind package, so that code running inside this class loader
will load the JAXB API from elsewhere. This is a very advanced

> with 1.5 it's even worse: i'm finding i now hafta add activation.jar as well
> or i get NoClassDefFoundErrors for javax/activation/DataHandler.

Could you explain this problem in a bit more detail? I have not
experienced difficulties with maven-jaxb2-plugin under 1.5 before.

Another possible solution would be implementing maven-jaxb21-plugin
and maven-jaxb20-plugin side by side.
