> these may be personal issues...i couldn't find anyone else having the same
> problems.
> i can't get maven2 to so much as glance at
> https://maven2-repository.dev.java.net/nonav/repository without blacklisting
> it. my sysadmin tells me that we are not behind a proxy, and it makes
> sense, since i can hit
> https://maven2-repository.dev.java.net/repository/org/jvnet/jaxb1/maven2/maven-jaxb1-plugin/1.0-rc7/maven-jaxb1-plugin-1.0-rc7.pom
> in a browser and view the maven-jaxb1-plugin pom. but at compiletime, mvn
> refuses to pull anything from the java.net maven2 repo.
> so i dl'ed the jar and pom and stuck 'em in my local repo (not the .m2/repo)
> and tried again. this time it got further, but the xjc step complained
> about not having com.sun.msv.grammar.Grammar.
> so i added com.sun.xml.bind.jaxb-libs-1.0.6 to the maven-jaxb1-plugin pom
> and tried again. another, different CNFE. adding jaxb-impl-1.0.6,
> relaxngDatatype20020414, and xsdlib-20060615 finally relieved my pain, but
> not my mental distress. why is the https maven2-repo giving me fits? do i
> need to somehow login? mvn -X compile revealed that somehow certs were
> mixed up in my problem:
> Caused by: javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException:
> sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path
> building failed:
> sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find
> valid c
> ertification path to requested target
> i've finally succeeded in building, but now i hafta keep the
> maven-jaxb1-plugin in my repo and i hadta massage the plugin's pom, neither
> of which are solutions i'm very happy with. has anyone else had simliar
> issues?
I guess you haven't configured the plugin repository: