Jean-Marie Condom wrote:
> hello
> is there a way to map directly a widget with a specific attribute
> without having to use set operators ?
I'm not really a Swing expert, so I could be wrong, but Swing requires a
change notification to work correctly, and JAXB generated beans do not
offer that by default.
We've received several feedbacks from people who want the change
notification support, presumably to bind to Swing. So I'm thinking about
how it can be done, but I haven't yet to figure out how.
The first obvious idea would be to have each generated bean manages a
list of listeners. But in this way, you'd have to register your listener
to all the beans in the tree, which is very impractical. In most of the
Swing components that expose more complex model (such as JTree and
JTable), you only need to register your listener against one Model
object, not against each cell. But I'm not sure how this translates to
JAXB. If you have any insights on this area, please share with us.
But once the change notification is done, it won't be too difficult to
develop another library that implements ButtonModel for arbitrary
boolean property on an arbitrary bean, right?
Kohsuke Kawaguchi
Sun Microsystems
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