Re: interface

From: Kenny MacLeod <>
Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2008 13:37:51 +0100

Lulseged Zerfu wrote:
> Today's testing framworks like junit and mostly easymock need a
> collaborator. It is an interface.

Not necessarily. Mock object frameworks are used to mock out software
components which have behaviour. JAXB-generated classes are just beans,
they have no significant behaviour (unless you use a fancy plugin).

Mocking out java beans is unnecessary, in my experience, you can just
use them as they are, and inject the data you want.

> It is easy to create interfaces
> manually but the problem is I have to update everytime I generate
> java classes from a schema.

> I would propse this feature (generating interface for each generated
> class) for the JAXB team.