Re: Transition from JAXB to something else?

From: Dennis Sosnoski <>
Date: Fri, 14 Mar 2003 12:33:28 -0800

You may be interested in the JiBX framework I'm developing
( This is closer to the JAXB EA architecture in
some ways (especially in that it's based on a pull parser). There are no
current plans to support code generation from Schema or DTD - JiBX uses
a mapping file, similar to Castor's though with much greater flexibility
over the mapping process - but code generation should actually be easy
to add if there's interest.

I see JiBX as a nice complement to JAXB overall: JAXB provides great
support for a Schema-centric approach to working with XML, including
extensive validation handling, while JiBX provides a Java-centric
approach that allows for refactoring code without needing to change your
XML formats. JiBX is also very fast and compact (the runtime is about
60KB, including the parser).

The current download is a demonstration with three separate bindings
(XML formats) implemented for a single test program. Several additional
features are implemented in the CVS code, and I'm preparing for a first
beta release the middle of next week with updated documentation and an
extensive demo / test suite.

  - Dennis

David Halonen wrote:

>Has anyone dropped JAXB for a data-binding solution? Or know of someone who has?
>The change from ea to release 1.0 has caused us to re-evaluate our needs and what JAXB brings to the table. I would be interested in knowing what others have done along these lines...