Re: Use of JAXB & SGML

From: Joan Antoni Farre <>
Date: Tue, 20 May 2003 09:32:08 +0200

I was studying OFX some time ago and, if I'm not wrong, last version is XML
compliant. If you generate an XML Schema from last version DTD, you should
have no problem to work with OFX and XML tools.
If my information isn't accurate, I'd be grateful to know.


Khalil Yarak <>@JAVA.SUN.COM> con fecha 20/05/2003

Por favor, responda a Discussion list for the Java Architecture for XML
       Binding <JAXB-INTEREST_at_JAVA.SUN.COM>

(Enviado por: Discussion list for the Java Architecture for XML Binding


Copia a (cc):

Referencia: Re: Use of JAXB & SGML

Do you know of any tools which have a JAVA api that can take a message
that conforms to SGML and converts it so that it is XML compliant, that
is adds the end tags etc. This way I can validate the message against
the W3C Schema which I generate from the DTD.


Kohsuke Kawaguchi wrote:

>Khalil Yarak <> wrote:
>>Hi all,
>>I am about to start a project where we receive messages in SGML (to be
more specific
>>these are OFX - Open Financial Exchange messages as per a SGML DTD) that
>>I would like to convert to XML so that I can parse them through JAXB and
>>so get the Java object representations. I am planning to convert the
>>SGML DTD to a schema where constraints can be added and then run that
>>through JAXB.
>>I wanted to know from you guys if you have any suggestions with regards
>>to using JAXB in this case or if there is a better way.
>Use trang. The best tool I've ever seen:
>Kohsuke KAWAGUCHI 408-276-7063 (x17063)
>Sun Microsystems