Re: Re : Changing JAXB version

From: Laura Ferguson <>
Date: Wed, 28 May 2003 13:40:43 -0400

I'm sure you will need to install JAXP and JAXB, and you may need to
install other components as well.

At 11:18 AM 5/28/2003 -0400, you wrote:
>There were some significant changes between beta and fcs[1]. I'm not totally
>sure that you can just replace the beta jar files with the fcs jar files and
>have it work - you might be better off just installing JAXB from the JWSDP1.1
>bundle. Once you've gotten that all set up, you will have to recompile your
>schema(s) to generate new interfaces and implementation classes. There were
>some bugs in beta where we weren't generating the correct interfaces and there
>were late requirement changes from the expert group, so you will likely have
>to update your client application code as well.
>>Sorry, I've missed some information in my previous message.I did
>>everything you wrote except the installation of the other "jar" files of
>>jwsdp-1.1 . Do I need to upgrade something even if I don't use (e.g
>>jaxm,jaxr...) ?
>>-----Messaggio originale-----
>>Da: Laura Ferguson []
>>Inviato: marted? 27 maggio 2003 19.45
>>Oggetto: Re: Changing JAXB version
>>At 07:34 PM 5/27/2003 +0200, you wrote:
>>>I've changed my JAXB version from beta to 1.0 simply changing "jar" files
>>>with the new ones (jwsdp-1.1), but now my marshal doesn't work anymore with
>>>this exception :
>>>DefaultValidationEventHandler: [ERROR]: null
>>>java.lang.Exception, com.sun.xml.bind.serializer.XMLSerializer)
>>>void fvrgenerator.JaxbFvr.createFvr()
>>>void fvrgenerator.FvrGenerator.main(java.lang.String [])
>>>--------------- linked to ------------------
>>>- with linked exception:
>>>javax.xml.bind.JAXBException(java.lang.String, java.lang.String,
>>>javax.xml.bind.MarshalException(java.lang.String, java.lang.String,
>>>void fvrgenerator.JaxbFvr.createFvr()
>>>void fvrgenerator.FvrGenerator.main(java.lang.String [])
>>>JAXBExceprion :null
>>>This is an extract of my code:
>>>JAXBContext oj = JAXBContext.newInstance("my.schema");
>>>ObjectFactory objfactory = new ObjectFactory();
>>>MySchema xmlFvr = objfactory.createMyschema();
>>>Field1 F1 = objfactory.createField1();
>>>//Meggison classes to supports namespace prefix
>>>XMLWriter writer = new XMLWriter();
>>>writer.setPrefix("urn:XctFvr:xsd:$Schema1", "s1");
>>>writer.setPrefix("urn:sw:xsd:$Schema2", "s2");
>>>try {
>>>new PrintWriter(
>>>new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(FvrGenerator.pathFvr + fvrFlNm +
>>>} catch (FileNotFoundException ioe) {
>>>FvrGenerator.traceErrore = ioe.getMessage();
>>>throw ioe;
>>>Marshaller m = oj.createMarshaller();
>>>m.setProperty(Marshaller.JAXB_FORMATTED_OUTPUT, Boolean.TRUE);
>>>m.marshal(xmlFvr, writer);
>>>} catch (JAXBException je) {
>>>FvrGenerator.traceErrore = je.getMessage();
>>>throw je;
>>>Is there anything more than "jar" files do I need to change to upgrade
>>>my version or something is changed al coding-level ?
>>You've got lots more work to do.
>>1) Create a schema from your dtd.
>>2) Regenerate the generated classes using the revised xjc
>>3) See what changes these changes cause in the rest of your code -- there
>>will be some.
>>Along the way, you'll need to do a careful installation of jwsdp-1.1, copy
>>new libraries into any lib folders, etc....
>>This could take just a few hours or a week... depending.
>>Good luck...