RE: Re: Problems parsing the IFX 1.5 Schema

From: Perry, Steve <>
Date: Thu, 7 Oct 2004 08:19:42 -0500

Hi, Ed. That did the trick, thanks.

However, I am still getting the Unique Particle Attribution error (which, to get past I had to comment out each offending element in the IFX 1.5 schema). Ryan mentioned earlier on this thread that you guys run the IFX 1.5 schema through your nightly build, so how are you handling this?

The two offending elements are "PmtId" (lines 12451 and 12442 - part of a xsd:choice group) and "CurAmt" (lines 12445 and 12453 - part of the same xsd:choice group).

Is this a problem with the IFX schema? XMLSpy reads the schema in without complaining.

Thanks for any help!


-----Original Message-----
From: Ed Mooney [mailto:Ed.Mooney_at_Sun.COM]
Sent: Thu 10/7/2004 6:28 AM
Subject: Re: Problems parsing the IFX 1.5 Schema
Hi Steve,

You've found a bug (or, for sure, an ease-of-use issue) that escaped our
integration testing. Please rename
<jwsdp-install-dir>/jwsdp-shared/bin/launcher.xml and replace it with
the enclosed one.

Thanks for your help!

   -- Ed

Perry, Steve wrote:
> Thanks, Ryan. I was able to get past the "pasring a schema" errors, and
> now getting a java.lang.OutOfMemory error, regardless of how much memory
> I give the JVM (I have 1Gbyte on this machine). To bump the JVM memory
> as you suggested, I modified my local copy of xjc.bat to send the memory
> parameters to the JVM on startup as you suggested. Rats. Thoughts?
> BTW - the same error occurs when I use xjc in its original form when
> using the IFX DTD and the -dtd option. I.e., I didn't go into xjc.bat
> and modify the java command line invocation to bump up the memory.
> Should I try to modify the memory parameters and pass the IFX 1.5 DTD to
> xjc?
[ ... ]