Re: Problems parsing the IFX 1.5 Schema

From: Ryan Shoemaker - JavaSoft East <Ryan.Shoemaker_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 07 Oct 2004 10:39:10 -0400

Perry, Steve wrote:
> Thanks, Ryan. I was able to get past the "pasring a schema" errors, and
> now getting a java.lang.OutOfMemory error, regardless of how much memory
> I give the JVM (I have 1Gbyte on this machine). To bump the JVM memory
> as you suggested, I modified my local copy of xjc.bat to send the memory
> parameters to the JVM on startup as you suggested. Rats. Thoughts?

I just ran this against the latest 1.0.4 weekly build with no problems:

% java -Xmx512m -Xss5m \
        -jar $JAXB_HOME/lib/jaxb-xjc.jar \
        -nv \
        -b IFX150.jaxb \
        -d gen-src \

I had to disable the schema validation because Xerces was complaining
about a unique particle attribution error.

Perhaps you weren't passing the vm settings correctly. I find it confusing
and error prone to edit the batch files and Ant build files when debugging
this sort of problem. It's nice to kick things off manually without all
the other layers interfering. Once I'm sure it's working, then I'll go back
and modify the scripts and build files. You should try Ed's modified
launcher.xml file - it looks like he's bumped the default VM settings.

> BTW - the same error occurs when I use xjc in its original form when
> using the IFX DTD and the -dtd option. I.e., I didn't go into xjc.bat
> and modify the java command line invocation to bump up the memory.
> Should I try to modify the memory parameters and pass the IFX 1.5 DTD to
> xjc?

I haven't tried compiling the DTD...



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