Re: XJC. How to preserve case?

From: Wolfgang Laun <>
Date: Fri, 27 May 2011 15:36:12 +0200

I think you misunderstood me.

I was trying to suggest a way of creating a customization. Rather than
manually specifying the properties in a customization file, use an XSLT to
process the XML schema file and derive the external bindings from that (or
insert the bindings inline into the schema).

On 27 May 2011 14:26, Anth <> wrote:

> Unfortunately this doesn't work because variables will be upper-cased
> after XSLT transformation.
> So question remains.
> >If it is really every element name then a relatively simple XSLT can be
> >used to insert customizations into the XML Schema files.
> >-W
> On 25 May 2011 09:58, Pechinsky Anton <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I can't instruct XJC to preserve character case.
> I'm integrating with .NET web service and case is important for my
> project.
> For example if element is declared as Account in schema then I'd like
> to see exactly the same property in target class:
> xsd:
> <element name="Account" type="xs:string"/>
> java:
> String Account;
> I need to preserve case globally (for every identifier) so I can't
> manually specify each property in customization file.
> The problem is that reference implementation uses concrete name
> converter class after applying user provided name converter:
> name,
> boolean collection, XSComponent source,
> CCustomizations customizations, Locator
> locator) {
> ...
> // next line causes the problem
> String n = NameConverter.standard.toVariableName(name);
> ...
> I've tried:
> - Custom plugin with custom name converter. Unfortunately name
> converter doesn't help because I can change everything except first
> char. This is because of above problem (concrete class usage)
> - Custom plugin which modifies generated mode. No idea how to obtain
> original field name
> public boolean run(Outline model, Options opt, ErrorHandler
> errorHandler) throws SAXException {
> for (ClassOutline classOutline : model.getClasses()) {
> Map<String, JFieldVar> generatedFields =
> classOutline.implClass.fields();
> for (JFieldVar field : generatedFields.values()) {
> // at this moment field's public name has first char
> in upper case while private name in lower case despite how it was
> declared in schema :(
> // so I need to get original field name
> Sting originalFieldName = ???????
> }
> Help me please.
> Thanks