Re: Getting Simple Plugins to work

From: Malachi de Ælfweald <>
Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 09:03:46 -0800

I did mine in Maven, but... doesn't custom plugins require the vendor
extensions to be enabled?


On 3/8/06, dustin hunter <> wrote:
> I am struggling to get the simplest of jax-b plugins working. Ultimately
> I would like to write a plugin that uses interfaces for objects it defines,
> and creates a factory for instantiation. Basically we have the problem that
> we have many schemas that we are provided that are nearly identical, but not
> quite. I would like to hide the implementation of each marshelled schema
> behind interfaces and factories so that the code we write is none-the-wiser.
> Looking at the users list here, it seems that a custom plugin is the ticket.
> So I started by writting a stubbed out plugin that just prints the method
> name. I just want to see that the plugin is getting executed. I then compile
> and jar it up according to the documentation and create a META-INF/services
> file called which contains the fully qualifed
> name of my plugin.
> Then I try to run XJC:
> <path id="custom.jaxb.path">
> <fileset dir="${lib.dir}">
> <include name="*.jar"/>
> </fileset>
> <pathelement location="${java.home}/lib/tools.jar"/>
> <fileset dir="C:/dev/java/jaxb-ri -20051003/lib">
> <include name="*.jar"/>
> </fileset>
> </path>
> <taskdef name="xjc" classname=""
> classpathref="custom.jaxb.path">
> </taskdef>
> <target name="build">
> <xjc target="${src.dir}" readonly="true"
> package=""
> schema="schema/message/efileMessage.xsd">
> <arg line="-foo"/>
> <arg line="-Xverification"/>
> </xjc>
> </target>
> You can see that I set the optionName to foo. When this did not work (I
> get "unrecognized parameter -foo"), I downloaded jaxb-verification and tried
> that too. For grins I looked at how their plugin was created and how the
> services file was defined to make sure I did not have any inconsistancies.
> Basically I cannot get any plugins to work with the latest JAX-B EA3
> release. I know I must be doing something wrong since others seem to be able
> to get this to work.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> --
> Cosmicnonplusation - The feeling of being infinitely small in an
> infinitely large universe.