Re: jaxb2 and idref

From: Aleksei Valikov <>
Date: Mon, 21 May 2007 10:53:17 +0200


Thanks you for the quick answer. I do understand that there is no way
> tochange the behaviour with JAXBElement<Object> / idref. But perhaps, I
> don't use the good tools "idref/id"
> In a general manner, how to you precise the java type of a list in a xml
> schema?
> I really want to have an xml schema where:
> - the root element contains different xml element defining in a
> complex-type
> - and then, be able to reference in my elements other elements
> defines at root
> Is Id/idref mecanism the good one? ( what for keyref? xsi:type?)
> Is there a way to add annotation in the xml schema to precise the type of
> the element list?

In JAXB 1, there was idSymbolSpace as you remember. I wonder if there's an
analog in JAXB2?
