Re: XSD / JAXB / Database / Schema / Persistance???

From: Aleksei Valikov <>
Date: Fri, 08 Sep 2006 19:16:26 +0200


>>> If this would work, does anyone have any idea how to get the JPA
>>> annotations
>>> put in automagically?
>> Annoy me enough that I finally continue Hyperjaxb3. ;)
> Please, please, Alexi!
> Please, please, Alexi!
> Please, please, Alexi!
> I'll send you my 18-month-old daughter's cute photo if you can pick up
> hyperjaxb3. Oh no, I guess in terms of annoying you, I'll send you one
> every week until you get it done :-)


> On a serious note, I think what we should do is to figure out what's
> preventing people from pitching in. Clearly there's a significant
> interest, yet AFAIK there's not enough people who's willing to help.
> I'm wondering why.

I think the technology is simply not that easy. You need good knowledge of the
JAXB/JAXB RI internals, good knowledge of target ORM technology internals, stuff
like Maven plugin development and so on. In combination. Apart from that
marketing/promotion just to attract people to use it. Apart from that user support.

Recently, Kostis Anagnostopoulos was a very good help with jaxbcommons and
hyperjaxb2. He has a much better knowledge of Maven2 and this enabled us to make
hyperjaxb2 mavenized. Since version 0.5.2 there's a maven-hyperjax2-plugin, an
out-of-the-box solution for mapping generation.
He also helped to clean up the builds, they are now pretty neat.

> Perhaps what we need is a downloadable plugin jar, even if it doesn't
> work, and maybe one or two examples to show how they can test drive it.

This is a nice idea. I'll see what I can do.
