Re: Marshalling a content sub-tree

From: Kohsuke Kawaguchi <Kohsuke.Kawaguchi_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 31 Mar 2003 09:02:47 -0800

I think I generally agree that there's some awkwardness in handling of
elements and types --- like you said, you shouldn't need to use
ElementWrapper and there got to be a better way to handle them.
But I hope you understand this is not an easy problem.

For example, I don't think your proposal would work.

> Foo {
> A getA();
> B getB();
> setA(T);
> setB(T);
> }

You are setting T and getting A. So the implementation of Foo needs to
create a new instance of A whenever a new T is set. Now is that what you
really want?

Let's just completely forget about XML for a second and do you write
code like this --- where the getter and setter is asymmetric?

And in general,

> A {
> T getType();
> }
> B {
> T getType();
> }

this would make it more tedious to write client code since now you have
to write "getType()" all the time to access its content.

But in my personal opinion, allowing a binding like this by an explicit
customization would be conceivable and I hope that solves your problem.

If you want to marshal T, you could:

    A a = objectFactory.createA();

> Will ElementWrapper become the standard way to obtain a real Element ?
> If so, will it be part of the standard interface (not implementation-specific) ?

I have no idea if it will become a standard way (I doubt), but if it
does, it surely has to be a part of the standard interface.

Kohsuke KAWAGUCHI                  408-276-7063 (x17063)
Sun Microsystems