Re: Envelope has xmlns attributes for EVERY schema defined in WSDL, even if not referenced

From: oliver newell <>
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 2010 18:23:16 -0500

There is a way in JAXB to supress unwanted namespaces - use a namespace
mapper when you initialize a marshaller. Comments in the attached example
mapper should be clear (hopefully) enough to let you configure things the
way you want. (Use getContextualNamespaceDecls() )

Here's the snippet to setup the mapper. Don't know how to do this in CXF -
hopefully it is easy to pass the mapper through to the marshaller call

     _jc = JAXBContext.newInstance( "net.opengis.wfs.v2" + ":"
          + "net.opengis.fes.v2" + ":" + "net.opengis.gml.v3" + ":"
          + "net.opengis.ows.v1" + ":" + "" + ":"
          + "" + ":"
          + "" + ":"
          + "" + ":"
          + "org.w3._2005._08.addressing" );

      // Create NamespaceMapper object to tune the appearance/placement of
      // namespace
      // declarations in in the output
      WFSNamespaceMapper wfsNamespaceMapper = new WFSNamespaceMapper();

      _marshallerPool = new MarshallerPool( _jc, initialPoolSize,
          wfsNamespaceMapper );

On Tue, Nov 9, 2010 at 1:41 PM, KARR, DAVID (ATTSI) <> wrote:

> I'm experimenting with using Apache CXF to consume some web services.
> I have an existing service client that uses JAXB, with an ad hoc Soap
> infrastructure. When I marshal the envelope in the existing code, I get
> xmlns attributes for all the namespaces that are actually used in the
> envelope, which isn't many. It only produces one application-specific
> one.
> Our WSDL defines a service with a large number of operations. Each one
> of them has their own operation-specific schema.
> When I now marshal the request with CXF, I get a request that is much,
> much, larger than the original code. This is because it has xmlns
> attributes for EVERY schema referenced in the WSDL, even though only one
> is referenced in the operation. What's worse is that that huge list of
> xmlns attributes is present in two places in the envelope, both on the
> body child element and in an element in the header.
> Is there some way I can get the envelope back closer to what I had
> before?
> I asked about this on the CXF list, but they replied that this isn't
> something that CXF can control, it's entirely in the JAXB arena.
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