Re: JAXB 1.x problem with maxOccurs

From: Kohsuke Kawaguchi <>
Date: Wed, 14 Feb 2007 12:48:54 -0800

Sudhindra Shetty wrote:
> I'm using HyperJAXB2 for generation of Java classes(with hibernate
> information) from schema. The StackOverflowError
> is thrown when the schema contains elements having large values for
> maxOccurs. I reported the problem to
> Aleksei Valikov but he says it is a problem with JAXB 1.X and not
> HyperJAXB2. Please can let me know when a release
> having the fix for the problem reported be available.

This is fixed in JAXB 2.0.x lines. There's no plan to fix this in 1.0.x
line, I'm afraid.

Kohsuke Kawaguchi