JAXB 2.0 overall question

From: Brian Pontarelli <>
Date: Sun, 13 Feb 2005 16:31:12 -0600

I've been reading through the specification a bit and also playing
around with the JAXB 2.0 early release and I just had a few questions in

1. It seems that the specification is still mostly making references to
interfaces, implementations, etc. which are no longer used in JAXB 2.0
as far as I can tell from playing around with the implementation. Is
there a more recent specification than the Early Draft Release from July

2. The JAXB compiler now generates POJOs (for all intents and purposes)
that contain a bunch of annotations. The annotations seem to be what
drives everything. What support will there be for using custom classes
and enums rather than JAXB generated classes? It appears that if I
annotate my classes and write a custom binding file I don't really need
to use any JAXB generated classes, but I'm still forced to use the
generated enums. Does that seem correct?

3. The JAXB compiler is using annotations and classes that aren't in the
javadoc, is there an update on that at all?

Brian Pontarelli