From: Jimmy Zhang <>
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 01:06:12 -0700

VTD-XML 2.8 has been released. Please visit
to download the latest version.

1 Expansion of Core VTD-XML API
* VTDGen adds support for capturing white spaces
* VTDNav adds support for suport for getContentFragment(), recoverNode()
and cloneNav()
* XMLModifier adds support for update and reparse feature
* AutoPilot adds support for retrieving all attributes
* BookMark is also enhanced.

2 Expansion of Extended VTD-XML API
* Add content extraction ability to extended VTD-XML
* VTDNavHuge now can call getElementFragment() and getElementFragmentNs()
* VTDGenHuge adds support for capturing white spaces

3 XPath
* Adds comment and processing instruction support for nodes, and performance
* Adds namespace axis support .
* Adds round-half-to-even()

4 A number of bug fixes and code enhancement