
From: Jason Sachs <>
Date: Wed, 25 Mar 2009 14:57:55 -0400

I am trying to deal with interleaves (elements in a list that can appear in
any order) in jaxb, and it seems to work a little funny.

I'm working with a RELAX NG schema that looks like this:

  <define name='global-protocol-settings'>
    <element name='settings'>
            <ref name='default-type-options'/>
             <ref name='signal-typedef'/>


     <define name='signal-typedef'>
       <element name='typedef'>
           <attribute name='name'>
                <ref name='identifier'/>
           <ref name='signal-type'/>

    <define name='default-type-options'>
        <element name='default-type'>
            <ref name='signal-type-options'/>

which Trang converts (somewhat incorrectly perhaps; there's only supposed to
be 1 default-type-options element allowed) to this snippet of XSD:

<xs:element name="settings">
      <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xs:element ref="ns1:default-type"/>
        <xs:element ref="ns1:typedef"/>

where "default-type" and "signal-typedef" are both elements.

The Java class for the "settings" element, that jaxb produces, has a
getDefaultTypeOrTypedef() method that returns a list of elements that are
"default-type" and "typedef". This is not what I would expect; what I'd like
is to have a getDefaultType() method and a getTypedef() method and lists of
the appropriate elements are returned. Is there something I can do to fix