Re: Uploaded jaxb-2.x libs and maven plugin into m2's repository

From: Kostis Anagnostopoulos <>
Date: Mon, 14 Aug 2006 22:10:57 +0300

On 8/14/06, Kohsuke Kawaguchi <> wrote:
> Kostis Anagnostopoulos wrote:
> >> This is because APIs are rev-ed differently from the RI. For example,
> >> when the RI 2.0.2 shipped, it still uses API 2.0. API is owned by the
> >> JCP, whereas the RI is owned by this project.
> >
> > The same versioning schema is used for jaxb-1.x. All are rev'ed
> > separately, except from the API jar which sticks to the same varsion
> > number. This choice creates problems with maven, since each new JAXB
> > release ovewrites the same old API jar inside the repository.
> This is the part that I don't understand. There's only one
> jaxb-api-1.0.jar and one jaxb-api-2.0.jar. So there's no overriding
> anywhere, AFAIKT.

Your are correct. Mine ovewrite sideffect arises as i'm using a
rather strange deployment method for, which
consists of deploying locally inside an svn workspace. Even so, by
commiting carefully into svn, the ovewrite won't happen, assuming that
the jaxb-api.jar contents and dependencies never change!.

But during the early stages of importing jaxb-1.x into, i
had to replace jaxb-api-1.0 dependencies with the corrected ones.
Eventually, anyone who had already used the jaxb-api.jar, would
receive updates WITHOUT switching to some new version.

To sum-up, no-problem exists with the jaxb-api jars UNLESS there is to
be a content or dependencies changes, in which case, it is possible
that the changes might break client builds.

> --
> Kohsuke Kawaguchi
> Sun Microsystems