Re: XmlJavaTypeAdapter issue

From: Kohsuke Kawaguchi <Kohsuke.Kawaguchi_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2006 15:34:28 -0700

Dan Diephouse wrote:
> Hiya,
> I'm trying to get my XmlJavaTypeAdapter on an interface to work with the
> code first approach. I'm wondering, should I be specifying the interface
> or type class to jaxb. Let me try to explain the two areas... I have an
> interface Customer and an implementation CustomerImpl. In my jaxb.index
> - should I put Customer there or CustomerImpl?


> Also when I do:
> new JAXBElement(qname, class, object);
> Should my class be Customer or CustomerImpl?


> I tried Customer but JAXB
> complains that its an interface. I tried CustomerImpl, but JAXB is
> serializing it wrong - its using the namespace from the qname on all the
> child elements (i.e., customeraddress) instead of using
> the package generated namespace.

When you marshal out a JAXBElement, it should always take the tag name
from the first QName parameter that you pass to JAXBElement, never from
the class.

Can you show me your CustomerImpl class definition,,
and the infoset that JAXB generated?

Kohsuke Kawaguchi
Sun Microsystems