How to make a list mapping manditory

From: Tim Kettler <>
Date: Fri, 13 Oct 2006 19:38:09 +0200


I have a set of existing java classes that should be persisted to XML. So far the mapping
is working as expected. The only thing I failed to figure out by myself is how to specify
that a list property like the one below should be manditory.

         @XmlElement( name="stringProperty", type=StringProperty.class ),
         @XmlElement( name="integerProperty", type=IntegerProperty.class ),
         @XmlElement( name="containerProperty", type=ContainerProperty.class )
     @XmlElementWrapper( name="containedProperties" )
     public Set<Property> getValue() { ... }

At the moment schemagen creates this XML:

     <xs:element name="containedProperties" minOccurs="0">
         <xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0">
           <xs:element name="stringProperty" type="stringProperty"/>
           <xs:element name="integerProperty" type="integerProperty"/>
           <xs:element name="containerProperty" type="containerProperty"/>

What I want is that the <containedProperties/> tag is manditory and must contain at least
one element. With the @XmlElement annotation I can just define the Bean property as
required. How do I do this with @XmlElements and @XmlElementWrapper?
