Compilation failed on win xp OS ...

From: Thierry DÉJEAN <>
Date: Fri, 19 Mar 2010 09:47:05 +0100

Hi Aleksei,

I'm trying to use your plugin maven plugin "maven-jaxb2-plugin" (version 0.7.2) with episode and catalogResolver feature.
I have run your sample "" that works quite well (both on linux and win OS).
Then i've tried to use a more complex organisation of my wsdl files. After some empirical tries i have finally succeded to compile
my complex sample (joined as zip archive) ... but only on linux OS. Indeed The compilation failed on Windows OS and i don't know what.
do I use your plugin correctly ? did i find a bud ? I don't know. So I hope you could help me to understend what is wrong. Thanks


Note : I have added a log trace of the error in the zip archive : compilationErrorUnderWinXPOS.txt