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In this particular case, bear in mind that a mapping between XML schema and
Java is necessarily incomplete, in both directions. I think that the XML
schema language has been designed without consideration to specific data
structuring paradigms, and this is a good thing, because it will let you
model XML closely to your data model. If, however, you need to map this
to *Java* object structures, some schema concepts just don't fit easily,
and, conversely, some common Java data types (java.util.*) don't
have immediate representations in XML.
Perhaps there is an acceptable solution for your case, but you'd have to
describe how the various attributes of BaseType and DerivedType relate to
each other.
On 7/23/09, No 0ne <no0ne_at_no0ne.org> wrote:
> Seems to me like you are trying to restrict the actionName/Length in the
> derived classes (XSD restriction, right)?
> If so, I've been disappointed as well. Page 92 of the JAXB 2.0
> specification:
> <quote>
> * base class: A complex type definition can derive by restriction or
> extension (i.e. {derivation method} is either “extension” or
> “restriction”).
> **However, since there is no concept in Java programming
> similar to restriction, both are handled the same.**
> </quote>
> Which, for me, doesn't quite holds all the water one (or no0ne, for this
> instance) would expect.
> Rationale: I imagine that JAXB could be enhanced to override generated
> getters, and hook some code to implement the restriction (or at least
> allow the implementation of a plugin specific to one needs). I'm not
> saying that is safe to do in all situations, I haven't performed the
> in-depth analysis of all implications/consequences; what I'm saying:
> this is where I'd start looking into.
> Now, the reasons for my frustrations in relation with xjc: it even
> refuses to accept customizations related with an "XSD restricted"
> property. Wolfgang, please, once again: where should we raise
> enhancement suggestions/requests?
> Best regards,
> no0ne
> (newb as well)
> On Thu, 2009-07-23 at 11:32 +0300, ofira shaer wrote:
> > Hi.
> >
> >
> > I am trying to understand how do I define an inheritance in XSD.
> > For example, how do i define a base class
> >
> > BaseAction
> > String actionName
> > int actionLength
> > List <Fields>
> >
> >
> > and a derived class:
> >
> > DerivedAction
> > actionName = "derivedName"
> > actionLength = derivedLength
> > List<DerivedFields>
> >
> > Should I use restriction/extenstion/substitusion group?
> > I tried some options and it seems that the combination of extension
> > and restriction is pretty complicated...
> > I will be very thankful for any link or a general direction.
> >
> > Thanks.
> > Ofira.
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