Hi, I am a JAXB beginner and have the following problem. I do not use schema, but only manually annotated Java classes.
Given the following XML:
<B />
<C />
<C />
<B />
As you can see, A's children can only be B and C. But: The sequence of B and C is essential and in terms of Java, B and C must be public classes which the same interface or super class.
In fact I do not know how to solve that. I tried adding a Collection<? extends X> to A, where X is an abstract superclass to B and C. But that is not working. Also I do not know how to correctly annotate the Collection that stores the B and C mix: When using @XmlAnyElement I end up with a collection filled of DOM stuff or something, but not with real B or C instances. On the other hand, when I annotate it with @XmlElement, I have to provide the actual class to fill in (B or C), while I actually need B AND C inside it...?!
Can anoybody help me with this, I am totally confused!
Thanks a lot
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