Re: xjc task fails: looks for crimson

From: Reiner Knoebl <>
Date: Wed, 09 Apr 2003 13:26:23 +0200

> Hi,
> Do you have a file in your <yourjdk>/jre/lib directory
> that sets Crimson as the parser?
No, I don't.
> Also, are you overriding the jaxp classes in jdk 1.4.1 by copying the
> ones from the directory
> $JWSDP_HOME/jaxp-1.2.2/lib/endorsed
> to
> <yourjdk>./jre/lib/endorsed
Yes, I did.
> Or try setting the system property java.endorsed.dirs to
> $JWSDP_HOME/jaxp-1.2.2/lib/endorsed
Doesn't change anything.

I discovered that the xjc task runs smoothely when I invoke the ant build from
the command line. It fails when I start it from NetBeans only. So, I guess it
is NetBeans who is setting some kind of property before starting the ant
So, I had to ask there!

Thanks a lot for your assistance and for your great work on JAXB. It is a
keybone of our projects!

Best regards and thank you very much!
