Re: Retrieving substitutionGroup information from JAXBElement

From: Wolfgang Laun <>
Date: Thu, 1 Oct 2009 13:19:22 +0200

I know of no reason why reflection or annotation access should not be
possible with a class contained in a .jar.

On Thu, Oct 1, 2009 at 9:09 AM, Claus Nagel <> wrote:

> Just to state the obvious, repeating what I think I've understood:
>> xs:anyType results in an org.w3c.dom.Element e, which can be unmarshalled
>> (provided we have the JAXB generated "bar" classes) with an Unmarshaller
>> derived from a context created from a suitable package or class set. (You
>> want to know is whether this Element has been substituted for
>> _GenericExtensionTypeA or _...B but both of these are optional; the only
>> chance is to obtain the information contained in some "bar" environment.)
> That's exactly my problem. Thanks for your precise summary.
> My train of thoughts:
>> - Unmarshalling Element e and using getValue() will tell you the class
>> and its package, and the tag ("tag").
>> - In this package's ObjectFactory should be a method createTag,
>> returning a JAXBElement<?>.
>> - Retrieving annontation @XmlElementDecl from method createTag should
>> give you, in its field substitutionHeadName, the name of the element from
>> foo:A.
> Yes, I was afraid this is the way to go... Thank you very much,
> Wolfgang. Of course, I prefer using XSOM to query the XML schema
> document for the substitutionGroup of some element. However, this
> means I have to load the schema into memory prior to parsing the XML
> document. There might be situations when this is not feasible: e.g.,
> the XML document does not provide a schema location or the schema
> location points to somewhere on the network but the parsing client
> does not have a network connection.
> Given a user provides JAXB mappings for the resulting DOM elements,
> the retrieval of the proper substitution group is not dependent on an
> XSOM representation of the schema anymore. This is nice as it makes my
> API more robust. However, there is a last question that comes to my
> mind:
> Suppose the user is putting the JAXB mappings into a .jar package (for
> example, to easily share his user-defined extensions with someone
> else). This means, the ObjectFactory class to be parsed is located
> within this .jar file. Does this cause any trouble? I strongly suppose
> it does not but as you might have guessed I do not have experience in
> that.
> Thanks again,
> Claus
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