Re: Unable to apply a customisation in a multiple compilation scenario

From: Colin Fleming <>
Date: Fri, 6 Jun 2008 12:48:19 +0200

Hi Lexi,

Thanks, I appreciate your time trying to fix this.

> See SimpleTypeBuilder, how and where it's called for further clues.

I'll take a look, thanks. This may be related to the problems that JAXB has
with enums, which also don't work with episodes. In general, the episode
code seems to be extremely fragile.

> Well, I've faces quite a lot of such problems and what usually hels is
source code, debugger, time, patience and persistence.

Yeah. The problem is that this issue is extremely difficult to reproduce
reliably, and due to the non-deterministic nature of it it's also very hard
to know if it's fixed. It also tends to happen, of course, right before
releases and when we need the functionality most. It's becoming a
show-stopper because it's totally unpredictable and we have no way of fixing
it when it happens. My knowledge of the JAXB code is certainly not
sufficient to fix a problem like this, it's complicated and very hard to
understand in there.

> ps. Another trick I sometimes apply is generate the code and then
explicitly delete it if I don't need it.

This might be worth looking at for us. Can you elaborate a bit more? Doesn't
the generated code then have the imports incorrect since the objects are in
different packages?

Thanks again,