Re: Supporting Property Aliases via a bindings file?

From: Wolfgang Laun <>
Date: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 09:57:04 +0200

Looks as if this describes the solution to your problem:


On 28/03/2014, Eric Peters <> wrote:
> I have a situation where I have an XSD that has renamed an XML field
> <xs:element name="Foo">
> is now:
> <xs:element name="Bar">
> Same value/same meaning/etc.
> Ideally I don't want to generate two different sets of models for the two
> different XSDs/support reading the two different XML versions
> Is there a way to create an alias so I can still read older version of the
> XML and <Foo> will get read into the element Bar class that xjc generates?
> Unfortunately, I don't have control over the XSD that is generated, so I
> need to make any edits using a bindings file if possible.
> It seems like substitution group might along the lines of what I'm after,
> but not sure if I can do that with a bindings file & "inject" the old
> property into the generated code somehow.
> Thanks,
> Eric