I would like to contribute a Xjc/Jaxb 2 plugin and I'm looking for
This plugin allows to add - at compile-time -
javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlNs annotations to generated package-info.java
files. A javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlNs annotation allows to specify
prefixes for namespaces. Example :
@javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlSchema(namespace = "
http://www.ech.ch/xmlns/eCH-0010/4", elementFormDefault =
javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlNsForm.QUALIFIED, xmlns = {
@javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlNs(namespaceURI = "
http://www.ech.ch/xmlns/eCH-0010/4", prefix = "eCH-0010-4")
package ch.ech.ech0010.v4;
... so generated Xml doesn't use incremental namespaces (ns1, ns2, ns3,
...) but the one defined (here "eCH-0010-4").
Without this plugin, to specify a namespace prefix, the only solution
(without manipulating marshallers on the java side, that is) is to
manually maintain the package-info.java files [1], which is not very
convient, and causes other problems [2].
Would you be interested in hosting this plugin ? What kind of license do
you recommend ?
Thanks in advance,
Manuel Siggen
[1] see solution 2 from
Manuel SIGGEN - Ingénieur de développement sur Unireg
Etat de Vaud, Département des infrastructures
Direction des systèmes d'information (DSI)
Pôle Référentiels
Avenue de Longemalle 1, CH-1020 Renens
Tél:++41(0)21 316 26 43 - Fax: ++41(0)21 316 27 26
manuel.siggen@vd.ch -