Re: XSD annotation/documentation to Javadoc request

From: Gary Gregory <>
Date: Fri, 27 Jun 2003 14:49:16 -0400

Well, the pain is that the Ant build file then has to manage temporary files
while the XJC task could do it all in memory. This is obviously on the outer
fringes of what one can reasonably expect xjc to do and not a common task
perhaps. Thanks for chatting about it.


-----Original Message-----
From: Kohsuke Kawaguchi []
Sent: Friday, June 27, 2003 07:40
Subject: Re: XSD annotation/documentation to Javadoc request

Gary Gregory <> wrote:
> Perhaps I could! I'll give it a go. Right back at you: It would be nice if
> one could then tell XJC, please apply this stylesheet and use the result
> the XSD and/or Bindings file input.

Hopefully, Ant or a similar tool can do this easily.

Kohsuke Kawaguchi                  408-276-7063 (x17063)
Sun Microsystems