Re: Java Generate classes for XSD

From: Wolfgang Laun <>
Date: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 10:39:51 +0100

Posting requests for unpaid help to several lists that aren't there for
this purpose in the first place is very bad netiquette. I'm sure the
renowned institute whose email address you have somehow acquired does not
approve of this procedure.

I have duly noted your email address and will not respond to any further
communications from you.

On 10 December 2014 at 01:57, <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am not able to generate Java classes using Jax-B for attaached XSD. I
> have tried all possibilities to use Jax-B with maven and eclipse. I am
> getting the namespace and import error.However, I have check the validity
> of XSD. Which is correct as Java files are able to generate using other
> paid version tools like LiquidXML.
> Hence, Please let me know or provide me the Generated java sources code
> using Jax-B for attached XSD file.
> Looking for ward for your reply
> Thanks,
> Veeranna Sulikeri
> E-mail:
> Mobile: +49 15166744483