Re: Java Generate classes for XSD

From: Pavel Bucek <>
Date: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 11:44:15 +0100


as much as I appreciate questions with various level of expertise in the
related area, I have to agree with Wolfgang here.

(Veeranna cross-posted to all jaxb mailing lists in bcc - if I would
have noticed that earlier than approving the message for distribution, I
would REJECT it for all lists. Please take this as an apology from me to
approving it for distribution to, it was an
oversight from my side.)


On 10/12/14 11:36, Aleksei Valikov wrote:
> Hi,
> he(*)'s just a novice looking for help but does not know how to ask
> correctly. Don't be harsch on him(*).
> XJC is also to the easiest tool to master. This is just a badly posed
> question, does not look like "do my work for me" request.
> (*) Or she/her - not sure about the gender.
> @Veeranna Post what you've tried so far and specific error messages
> you're getting.
> Best wishes,
> Alexey
> On Wed, Dec 10, 2014 at 10:39 AM, Wolfgang Laun
> < <>> wrote:
> Posting requests for unpaid help to several lists that aren't
> there for this purpose in the first place is very bad netiquette.
> I'm sure the renowned institute whose email address you have
> somehow acquired does not approve of this procedure.
> I have duly noted your email address and will not respond to any
> further communications from you.
> On 10 December 2014 at 01:57, <
> <>> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am not able to generate Java classes using Jax-B for
> attaached XSD. I have tried all possibilities to use Jax-B
> with maven and eclipse. I am getting the namespace and import
> error.However, I have check the validity of XSD. Which is
> correct as Java files are able to generate using other paid
> version tools like LiquidXML.
> Hence, Please let me know or provide me the Generated java
> sources code using Jax-B for attached XSD file.
> Looking for ward for your reply
> Thanks,
> Veeranna Sulikeri
> E-mail:
> <>
> Mobile: +49 15166744483 <tel:%2B49%2015166744483>